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Roundup of a Crazy Weekend

This weekend has been very busy for antifascists around the country, with many demonstrations and some interesting (and worrying!) developments.

First off, SS wannabes National Action staged a “White Man March” in Newcastle. North East Antifascists, alongside London Antifascists and many other autonomous groups, confronted them and made sure they had a real shit time. Chants such as “Hitler was right!”, plus burning an LGBT and Israeli flag, got 9 of them (ie half of their demo) nicked for racial hatred. It ended with around 20 idiots standing protected by dozens of police, sieg heiling to an empty street. Well done guys, that was a major victory for the white race /sarcasm.

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Going for Golding… (from Schnews)

The much heralded Britain First roadshow ain’t going too well. After being forced to cancel their Dartford meeting, Britain First were once againĀ  humiliated tonight after another pathetic turnout, this time in nearby Swanley.

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